Sabin I think the G.B cover the stocks and shares issue by saying it's not actually gambling.
We had a brother who did stocks and shares very impressivly for a while, then not so impressively. My point being whilst buying a lottery ticket is classified as greed, stocks and share is seen as investment.
My personal advice to any poster is that investing in property is much safer. Also transferring currency from one country to another can be very proffitable. With stocks and shares its often because you have limited funds, and dependent on who you know,
I am sure large companies investing in stocks and shares, spread the risk and have exsperienced advisers. In my option big business and religion is simply big business, and the products the money gets invested in are often highly immoral.
Anyway the G.B argument doesn't hold and buying a lottery ticket does not make a person any more greedy than any other form of investment.
Smiddy, you and your wife enjoy your flatters and have fun. If you have a budget to have fun,what is the difference between having a flatter on the horses and playing golf?
The Rebel.